Lisbon: Porsche Censors Famous Giant Statue of Jesus from Video Ad

We can’t have a picture of Jesus in an ad – that would offend the Jews!

The Jews hate Jesus!

They killed him, and their holy book says he’s in Hell boiling in a vat of feces!

And we all know that Jews are big spenders of luxury cars – especially ones associated with Adolf Hitler.

New York Post:

Luxury car brand Porsche is facing criticism after the company released an advertisement celebrating 60 years of the Porsche 911 that apparently edited out the Cristo Rei – a statue of Jesus Christ that overlooks the city of Lisbon, Portugal.

The German company, which is renowned for its luxurious sports cars, launched a campaign last week honoring six decades of “very fast years” for the Porsche 911 and promoting a special edition model of the vehicle, known as the 2024 Porsche 911 S/T. As part of the campaign, Porsche released a roughly two-and-a-half-minute ad depicting the evolution of the Porsche 911.

About 44 seconds into a version of the video posted on the company’s website, a Porsche 911 drives across the screen against the backdrop of the bridge and river that the Cristo Rei overlooks, but the 92-feet-tall statue of Jesus was absent from atop the concrete 269-feet-tall concrete pedestal that remains visible across the river. The missing statue was first spotted by a social media user on X whose post calling out the apparent edit went viral.

Porsche told FOX Business in a statement, “In an early version of a film created in Europe, the Cristo Rei Statue does not appear. We are truly sorry and can fully understand the hurt this has caused. This film has been removed.”

On Sunday afternoon, Porsche uploaded a new version of the 60th-anniversary video to its YouTube account in which the statue of Jesus Christ is visible atop the pedestal.

It’s a…

It’s a real weird move, I think.

Probably, people have a right to ask why all these people in power hate Jesus.

Because Jesus is the God of the natural population of the countries these people rule over.

It’s a strange thing, that they hate Him like this.


I mean, it’s a weird, suspicious thing.