Net and Yoohoo Says Israel to Stop Bowing to International Community

Bibi is back, and he’s not playing any games.

He’s going to commit atrocities against the Arabs that are like nothing you’ve ever seen before…!

It’s like that boomer song “You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet.”

Arabs better watch out!


Israel will revise its foreign policy to make it more consistent with its national priorities, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who formed a new government last month following snap elections, said on Wednesday. The country will no longer bow its head in response to the world’s demands, he told a conference held by the Betar Zionist movement in Jerusalem.

Our voice will be heard in the world,” the prime minister said as he announced “a revision of foreign relations” among other policy changes his newly-formed government is planning to introduce. “Instead of … giving in to dictates from the international community, we will proudly uphold our interests in the State of Israel and the Land of Israel,” he added.

They’ve already begun the massacre!

Related: Israeli Troops Enter Palestinian Village to Demolish Houses, Kill 2 Men

What this means, of course, is that the USA is going to protect them while they slaughter everyone. They are not a super-power. Israel is a very small country, and the Moslems could easily Zerg rush them if they did not have the backing of the USA.

So, maybe it should offend Americans that this man is making these kinds of statements, committing the American people to supporting his bloody crusade of mass murder.

But of course, we have to support it, because it’s who we are in values democracy.