New Yorkers Already Tired of Migrants, Blaming Biden


This is like a little bratty kid getting bored with his Christmas toys in an hour and demanding more presents.

What do you faggots want? You’ve got your multicultural paradise with no law enforcement.

Slurp it up, retards.

Slurp that shit, bitch.

There’s no going back now.

New York Post:

The overwhelming majority of New York voters blame President Biden for letting the migrant crisis spiral out of control, a new poll released Tuesday reveals.

The Siena College survey found that a stunning 84% of voters consider the influx of migrants a serious problem, with 57% identifying it as a “very” serious problem. Only 12% of respondents said the problem is not serious.


Nearly two-thirds of voters — 64% — flunked the Biden administration’s handling of the migrant influx, while only 29% approved.

A staggering 65% of New Yorkers say the United States is going in the wrong direction under a Biden presidency, while just 25% said it’s on the right track with the remainder undecided.

In New York City, 51% of voters said crime has gotten worse, while 33% said the same and just 12% better.

Yeah – okay.

You were all the people out there screaming “never again” against Trump and avowing the election hoax.

These are your personal decisions that you are living with.

Just deal with it.

Man up.

You can’t just abandon all of your personal beliefs in utopia on earth because your lives have turned into a living nightmare.