Pope Francis Says Anyone Criticizing His LGBTQ Blessings is a Hypocrite

Previously: Pope Francis Says African Opposition to LGBTQ Blessings is a “Special Case” Because It’s Their Culture

The Pope is getting more and more aggressive in his defense of gay anal, even as he faces an increasing backlash and impending schism in the Catholic Church.


Pope Francis said he sees “hypocrisy” in criticism of his decision to allow priests to bless same-sex couples, possibly his most strongly worded defence of the move.

LGBT blessings were authorised last month by a Vatican document called Fiducia Supplicans (Supplicating Trust), but that has met with significant resistance in the Catholic Church, particularly from African bishops.

Nobody gets scandalised if I give my blessings to a businessman who perhaps exploits people, and this is a very grave sin. But they get scandalised if I give them to a homosexual,” Francis told Italian Catholic magazine Credere.


He took the opportunity of defending homosexuality to promote communism?

How deep is this guy going to cut?

“This is hypocrisy,” he said.

Credere released extracts of the interview on Wednesday, a day ahead of publication.

Francis, who famously said “Who am I to judge?” when asked about homosexuality at the beginning of his papacy, has made it one of his missions to promote a more welcoming and less judgmental Catholic Church.

He’s made it his mission to promote gay anal sex inside of the Church. That’s what he’s doing; everyone can see it.

There was already full acceptance of sinners, but not the sin. The Pope is demanding that people accept the sin. He wants the sin front and center, inside of the Church, which is why he is doing these mock gay marriages.

And that is what these homo “blessings” are: they are intended to look like gay anal marriages. That is the entire point of the exercise.