
“Doonesbury” Cartoonist Lectures Dead Charlie Hebdo Artists on Their Privilege

Steve Sailer VDARE April 19, 2015 From Ross Douthat’s column in the NYT: Checking Charlie Hebdo’s Privilege APRIL 18, 2015 A LIVING cartoonist lecturing his murdered peers makes for a curious spectacle, but that’s what transpired at journalism’s George Polk Awards a week ago. The lecturer was Garry Trudeau, of “Doonesbury” fame; his subject was the cartoonists for Charlie Hebdo, …

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Commander George Lincoln Rockwell’s Greatest Speech

Benjamin Garland Daily Stormer April 3, 2015 George Lincoln Rockwell, the greatest pro-White leader that America has ever produced, is known for commanding media attention with his over-the-top showmanship, Nazi imagery and extremist rhetoric. This was all part of a plan, a 5-phase plan to first get noticed, and then tone down his extremist antics in order to gain traction …

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Why are Muzzies Even Here to Begin with?

Incogman March 3, 2015 Now a lot of complete morons out there somehow think that just because I can’t stand the Jew and stinking little Israel, that I’m a big fat Muzzie lover. Let me set the record straight: I can’t stand these dirty Muslims in our lands one GD bit. Sure, I don’t have anything against them living in dune coon land, eating goat eyeballs …

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