
The Joy of Jail: Free Speech and Other White Toxins

Tobias Langdon Occidental Observer September 24, 2014 In Jewish folklore, a Golem is a monster that escapes the control of the magician who created it. The politician George Galloway is a bit like that. Inspired by ideologies associated with Jews, such as leftist politics and anti-racism, he’s become one of Britain’s greatest champions of Islam and opponents of Israel. I …

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Jewess Writer for Bizarre Marxist Website Calls a Disgusting Hate Site

Daily Slave August 2, 2014 I was recently informed by a reader that a bizarrely insane Marxist-oriented website called Issue Hawk had taken an interest in some of the articles and postings that have been published on Daily Slave.  The Issue Hawk articles criticizing this website appear to have been written by a Jewess named Tamar Auber whose Facebook page features a weird picture of former …

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