Slovakian Truckers to Join Polish Ones in Blockading the Ukraine

The Polaks have been doing this for a couple of weeks now

The Ukraine started a war with Russia, and it’s very bad for their economy.

So their plan is to rip off the rest of Europe to make up for their losses.


Slovak truckers will block the main border crossing with Ukraine from Friday, the country’s truckers association UNAS said, joining Polish protests to win restrictions against Ukrainian drivers.

Polish truckers have been blocking several crossings with Ukraine since Nov. 6 to demand tougher conditions for Ukrainian peers.

Polish and Slovak truckers complain Ukrainian truckers offer cheaper prices for their services and also transport goods within the European Union, rather than just between the bloc and Ukraine.

Slovak drivers staged a symbolic protest earlier this month but will begin their blockade at the Vysne Nemecke/Uzhhorod crossing from 3 p.m. (1400 GMT) on Friday.

“The purpose of the protest is to join truck carriers from Poland,” UNAS said in a statement on its Facebook page on Wednesday. “We cannot leave them alone in the fight.”

A fat woman is threatening them

They say their business has been undercut since truckers from Ukraine gained exemptions from seeking permits to cross following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Ukraine says the protest – which has left over a thousand lorries stranded for days in queues that stretch for miles (km) – is damaging its fragile war-time economy by hampering exports and stopping supplies of essentials like motor vehicle gas (LPG) from entering the country.

EU Commissioner for Transport Adina Valean said on Wednesday that Ukraine and the EU could not be “taken hostage” by Polish truckers’ blockades, calling the situation “unacceptable”.

They appear to have already been taken hostage.

Unless NATO wants to bomb these truckers, it looks like there are going to have to be negotiations.

Romanian and Bulgarian farmers did something similar a few months ago, with limited results