Teacher Wants to Keep Students’ Information Secret from “Christo-Fascist” Parents

The right has shifted in the last few years from being largely secular to being explicitly Christian. I put a lot of this on Nick Fuentes for forcing the issue, but the bigger cause is simply that the world has gotten much worse and people have gotten much more hopeless, so they’ve begun turning to God.

Moreover: the entire vibe of modernity has become aggressively satanic to the point where no one can really deny it anymore, so it’s natural enough that such would lead to Christianity rising amongst those opposed to the system.

The left has of course adapted to this rising Christian tone of the right, and is now just openly claiming that Christianity is the enemy. They are still floating various euphemisms, including “Christian Nationalism” and “Christo-fascism,” both of which mean “Christianity.”

New York Post:

A Washington teacher complained on Friday that many schools’ “guidelines and laws” haven’t helped them keep students’ information secret from “Christo-fascist” parents.

A tweet shows Auburn School District 408 teacher Karen Love responding to another that urged parents to check their school district’s policy regarding keeping info about their child’s secret from them.

“Parents-check your school districts’ policy regarding keeping info about YOUR child secret from you. There are some scary policies out there. Schools should not have a right to keep info about your child from you unless abuse by you is suspected. There I said it and mean it,” a tweet written by “The Principle’s Office” reads.

Love responded, “I cannot disagree with this more. So many students are not safe in this nation from their Christo-fascist parents. And our guidelines and laws haven’t caught up with this.”

Karen Love

The Twitter thread of Love and the other users was reposted as a screenshot by Ian Prior, a senior advisor at American First Legal.

“Teacher in Washington State thinks schools don’t go far enough to keep secrets about their students because they ‘are not safe in this nation from their Christo-fascist parents,’” Prior tweeted.

Love responded to another tweet that claimed “few” educators know deeply about the history of racism and oppression.

“It’s absolutely wild to me how few educators have a working knowledge of the history of racism and oppression in this nation,” SwaggyG tweeted.

Love replied, “Because many of them are perpetrators of it– 80% of teachers are white women. And at least statistically, over 50% of them vote for upholding white supremacy and patriarchy.”

Several others reacted to Prior’s thread, blasting the teacher and filing a public records request to Auburn School District to obtain emails of Love that contain any words regarding transgender, gender and a plethora of other related terms.

Is this the society we want?

Fat, disgusting women kidnapping our children and brainwashing them to hate Jesus?

Was there a referendum on this that I missed?