Toxic Penis-Shrinking Chemicals Accumulate in Testicles and Harm Health of Offspring

See: Dudes Have Microplastic in Their Penises (It’s the Only Problem on Earth That Can’t be Solved by Windmills or Wars)

People can only focus on so many things at once.

Right now, our biggest problems are cow farts changing the weather and democracy in Russia. We also have to defeat Hamas and stop Chinese people from forcing innocent terrorists to play Squid Game.

We need to focus on windmills. We need to build fighter jets that are powered by windmills so we can fight a global war without changing the weather.

We simply do not have time to think about the PFAS in our balls. In fact, just talking about this is such a distraction that it presents a threat to our democracy, and is probably a part of a Russian conspiracy to limit the production of windmills.

The Guardian:

New research has found for the first time that PFAS “forever chemicals” accumulate in the testes, and the exposure probably affects children’s health.

The toxic chemicals can damage sperm during a sensitive developmental period, potentially leading to liver disease and higher cholesterol, especially in male offspring, the paper, which looked at the chemicals in mice, noted.

The research is part of a growing body of work that highlights how paternal exposure to toxic chemicals “can really impact the health, development and future diseases of the next generation”, said Richard Pilsner, a Wayne State University School of Medicine researcher who co-authored the study.

“We’ve always been concerned with maternal environmental health effects because women gestate the babies … but this research is really saying there is a paternal contribution to offspring health and development,” Pilsner added.

Related: Most Sperm Samples Have High Levels of Toxic DNA-Damaging Weedkiller, Study Finds

The study looked at relatively low exposure levels compared with previous research. It also included long- and short-chain PFAS, the latter of which industry has claimed are generally safe and do not accumulate in the body. The study is among a growing body of research that shows the “safe” PFAS can also be measured in tissue or blood in mammals.

Here’s an infographic:

Obviously, some of these are much bigger problems than others.

Don’t melt your water resistant clothing and then inhale the fumes and don’t drink paint. Bad idea. But the fact that this is in all of your food packaging, most of your deodorants and “skin care” products, all women’s cosmetics, all fast food packaging, all of your food (covered in pesticides), and most of your cookware (virtually all of which is “non-stick”) is probably a bigger issue than your raincoat.