UN Attacking Islam, Calling Iran’s Hijab Draft Law “Gender Apartheid”

See: Secular-Atheist Vagino-Anal MCU Vegan-Vaccinationist Global Warmingism has Failed

Over recent years, I’ve switched from Team Cop to Team Black Criminal.

However, I’ve always been on Team Islam against Team Vagino-Anus.


A new draft law that would enshrine harsh punishments for women and girls who fail to wear a hijab in Iran could amount to “gender apartheid,” UN experts said in a statement on Friday.

“The draft law could be described as a form of gender apartheid, as authorities appear to be governing through systemic discrimination with the intention of suppressing women and girls into total submission,” the experts said.

The proposed legislation, which is currently under review by the Iranian parliament, would establish harsh penalties for women who refuse to wear the veil – including long jail sentences.

The 70-article draft law also proposes stiff new penalties for celebrities and businesses who flout the rules and the use of artificial intelligence to identify women in breach of the dress code.

The UN experts argue that both the new law and existing restrictions “are inherently discriminatory and may amount to gender persecution.”

The UN’s panel of experts includes several special rapporteurs, and a working group focused on discrimination against women and girls.

The weaponisation of ‘public morals’ to deny women and girls their freedom of expression is deeply disempowering and will entrench and expand gender discrimination and marginalisation, with wider negative consequences for children and society as a whole,” the experts said.

These people are totally incapable of imagining that anyone on earth could choose to live differently than them.

What is worse – and what is much more extreme – is that they believe they have a right, in fact a duty, to force their way of life on others by any means necessary. Note that you do not see Moslems in international bodies demanding that Western women wear the hijab, or adopt any of their other systems.

They are just trying to live their lives and be left alone.

What makes this even more extreme is that everyone living in the West is totally miserable. There have never been a more miserable bunch of saps than modern Western man.

I suppose… misery loves company.

That might sum up the whole situation.