Watch: Massive March in Support of Bolsonaro on Brazil’s Independence Day! Police Use Pepper Spray!

Previously: Brazil: Bolsonaro Tells People to March and Show Their Support, Rumors Say He’s Planning a Coup

The situation of Bolsonaro is identical to the situation of Trump – a populist, popular, elected leader under attack by the rest of the entrenched government establishment…!

The difference is that Bolsonaro is mobilizing the people to fight back against the government and defend him…!

The Guardian:

Pre-dawn skirmishes have erupted between police and supporters of Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, as rightwing activists tried to force their way towards congress before major pro-government rallies that have put Latin America’s biggest democracy on edge.

Footage published by the Brasilia-based news website Metrópoles showed military police using pepper spray to repel a crowd of cheering Bolsonaristas in the early hours of Tuesday.

Officers can be seen wrestling with one demonstrator as the group attempted to break through a police blockade on the avenue leading to congress using lorries draped with Brazil’s yellow and green flag.

Other footage shows a police officer drawing his gun in an attempt to deter the mob and Bolsonaro supporters vowing to storm the supreme court. In one video a Bolsonaro supporter can be heard berating the police for blocking the protesters’ path. “God will make you pay for this. You communists!” she shouts.

Tuesday’s Independence Day protests – called by Brazil’s embattled leader in an apparent attempt to project strength at the worst moment of his presidency since it began in January 2019 – have sent shockwaves through Brazilian society.

Many citizens fear violence as hardline Bolsonaro supporters take to the streets to champion a leader whose ratings have plunged as a result of corruption scandals involving his allies and relatives and his handling of a Covid outbreak that has killed more than 580,000 people.

Others worry that with support of the military Bolsonaro could be poised to attempt a self-coup, by which he would grab dictatorial powers by closing Brazil’s democratic institutions.

Bolsonaro’s supporters were publicly calling for him to do just that on Monday as they gathered in the capital, Brasília, where the president was expected to address supporters.

On the esplanade of ministries – the heart of Brazilian politics – one demonstrator had parked a truck decorated with a photograph of Bolsonaro making gun signs with his hands and a banner that read: “Bolsonaro call in the armed forces”.

Further down the road, near the foreign ministry, another of the far-right president’s devotees carried a flag calling for the dissolution of the supreme court and congress.

On Saturday, Bolsonaro, who is notorious for his admiration of authoritarian leaders and Brazil’s 1964-85 dictatorship, warned a political “rupture” was on the cards.

As well as Tuesday morning’s rally in Brasília, a second mass gathering is being held in Brazil’s economic capital, São Paulo, on Tuesday afternoon. Smaller demonstrations are being held in other towns and cities, while some opposition groups are also planning to march, fuelling fears of clashes between the two sides.

“Brazil Above All and God Above All” is a great slogan.

Godspeed to Bolsonaro.

He’s coming up on the make or break moment…!