Watch: University of Michigan Students Call for Murder of All Jews, “There is Only One Solution”


I mean…

New York Post:

Social media users were shocked and outraged over a recent anti-Israel rally put on by pro-Palestinian protestors at the University of Michigan this week.

Clips of the protest depicted marchers, chanting “Intifada, Intifada! Long live the Intifada” a call to violent overthrow of the Jewish state inspired by Palestinian riots and rebellions against Israel in the late 80s, early 90s, and early 2000s.

“There is only one solution!” a female marcher was seen chanting, as the crowd behind her responded, “Intifada! Revolution!

Marchers, seen walking around the Ann Arbor campus screaming into bullhorns and waving Palestinian flags, were also heard chanting the infamous anti-Israel call to arms: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!”

Media reported that the antisemitic rally was held to protest Vice President Kamala Harris’ Thursday visit to the campus, where she gave a speech on climate policy, and student activism. The protestors appeared to be standing against U.S. government support for the state of Israel.

Another video depicted the marchers outside of campus building in which Harris was giving her speech, saying, “Not another nickel, not another dime, no more money for Israel’s crimes.”

There is some question as to whether this is literally a call to murder all the Jews.

However, it is definitely a call for something.


Jews are going to keep claiming they have done absolutely nothing wrong ever in all of human history and that all of these people who are mad at them are evil and hate them for no reason.

It’s strange math.

Related: Israeli Forces Storm Palestinian Houses at Night to Terrorize Palestinian Teens