WHO Says Europe’s Politicians Have “Moral Responsibility” to Fix Air Pollution

Previously: 98% of People in Europe Breathing Toxic Air, Experts Demanding Urgent Action

Europeans have a duty to change the weather and destroy Russia and China.

That’s all.

We can’t just keep piling duties on these already overworked bureaucrats.

The Guardian:

Politicians across Europe have a moral responsibility to urgently tackle the continent’s dangerously polluted air, according to Maria Neira, the director of the World Health Organization’s department of environment, climate change and health.

On Wednesday a Guardian investigation revealed that Europe is facing a severe public health crisis, with almost everyone on the continent living in areas with dangerous levels of air pollution.

It found that 98% of people live in areas that exceed WHO guidelines for PM2.5 – tiny particulates that are linked to 400,000 deaths a year. Almost two-thirds of people live with pollution that is twice the WHO standard.

Neira said politicians must act swiftly to reduce the scale and severity of pollution.

“As a medical doctor, I cannot resist the temptation to remind people that this is about strokes, this is about heart disease, this is about asthma, this is about lung cancer, diabetes, low birth weight, preterm births, cognitive decline,” she said. “We need to remind people that any time you breathe, you are breathing something toxic into your body which is having a devastating impact.”


She said it would not be acceptable for 98% of Europeans to be supplied with dangerously polluted water, and the same should be true for the air they breathe.

People say our guidelines are very strict and very ambitious. But I don’t see ambition in proposing something that will make so many people less sick … Having the knowledge we have [on the health impacts of air pollution] I think there is a clear and absolute moral responsibility.”

Last week the European parliament voted to adopt the WHO guidelines on PM2.5, but not until 2035.

Neira welcomed the vote, but added: “We strongly urge countries to act swiftly, recognising that any shift in air quality levels will have a direct impact on public health, climate and the environment. Delaying these crucial measures will have severe and immediate consequences for people’s wellbeing and the planet.”

Just to be clear: air and water pollution are not considered something that matters by environmental organizations. Every one of these groups that has any influence on the government says that the only form of pollution that is relevant is carbon dioxide. That’s not actually pollution, but that is the situation.

The poisoned water, food, and air supplies are being totally ignored.

The Guardian is the only one that will even report these stories.