Women Feel More Optimistic Than Ever About Achieving Their Dreams

If you’ve ever doubted the factual statement “women are not people,” consider this: right now, women are more optimistic than ever about the future.

Right now, in 2021.

Women are semi-autonomous, AI-powered womb-transportation devices created by God to help men carry their wombs around.

Their machine-learning algorithms were fed the wrong kind of data sets and now their entire system is corrupted.

Just try to wrap your head around the fact that kids are being put in tents, toddlers are wearing face masks and told they’re the opposite gender, babies are being ritually murdered before they’re even born, people are being stripped of their rights and dignity, and women are watching all of this and thinking “I feel optimistic about achieving my dreams.”

Study Finds:

Women are feeling more optimistic than ever about achieving their dreams thanks to Kamala Harris’ rise to the vice presidency, a new survey finds.

Ahead of International Women’s Day, a OnePoll study asked 1,000 American women and 1,000 American men to analyze their views on gender equality in the United States and the impact of Vice President Harris’ election. Half of the women surveyed said they feel more empowered now that a woman is the vice president.

The survey also analyzed respondents’ views on gender discrimination as a whole in the country and finds the public is seeing progress over the last year. Compared to last year’s survey, commissioned by Vitamin Angels, there was a sharp decline in how many respondents felt there was gender inequality in today’s world at 58 percent. That’s down nearly 20 percent from last year’s survey, which finished at 76 percent.

Nothing is more effective at building strong, sustainable and just societies than the empowerment of women,” says Howard Schiffer, Vitamin Angels Founder & President in a statement. “At Vitamin Angels, to build a more just world, we start at the very beginning by providing essential nutrients to underserved pregnant women and young children. As families and communities thrive, the path toward equity opens up for all.”

Reflecting on their own childhoods, 54 percent of women polled wished they had more comprehensive and inclusive female role models when they were growing up, compared to 44 percent of men. For women with a daughter (about 700 respondents), 62 percent feel they can now tell their daughters that they really can be anything they want to be when they grow up – now that a woman is the vice president.

The majority of women in the survey (66%) also shared they believe young girls growing up today have more opportunities than they did growing up. Six in 10 also agree today’s young women can truly grow up to be anything they want.

Research has shown that when women are empowered, communities flourish,” Schiffer adds. “In order to achieve a more equitable world, women must be given a seat at the table.”

Yes, the fact that when you empower women, communities flourish is easily proven by seeing all of the babies that women are making to strengthen our future generations.

Or by looking at how better off we are now compared to a couple of decades ago.

Basically, everything you don’t like about your current situation can be traced back to a woman doing something and men not doing anything to stop it.