78% of American Adults Think Country is Going Downhill

Imagine living in America and thinking it’s a good country.

It doesn’t even make any sense.

Especially if you’re old enough to remember like, ten years ago.

New York Post:

A whopping 78% of US adults believe the country is trending in the wrong direction, according to a poll that was taken in the days after former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) was voted out of his post by members of his own party.

Only a mere 21% felt that the US is heading in the right direction, according the Associated Press-NORC Research Center.

The finding marks a downturn from about a month prior when the group found that 75% of Americans felt the country was heading in the wrong direction, compared to 25% who believed it was going in the right direction.

Additionally, the poll’s finding marks the most negative sentiment about the country’s direction since May, around the time of the debt ceiling crisis.

Overall, President Biden was pegged with a 38% net job approval rating, and a 61% net disapproval rating.

Who are these 38%???

Fake poll!

A net 54% of respondents viewed Biden unfavorably, while 42% viewed him favorably.

Meanwhile, his leading 2024 GOP rival, former President Donald Trump scored a 58% net unfavorable rating compared to 37% favorable.

Only 3% of respondents said they had a great deal of confidence in Congress, while 42% had some confidence, and 53% hardly had any confidence at all.

People should be required to go on a field trip to China, and compare.

I’ll tell you what: in China, they do not have these problems.

China is a developed, peaceful, futuristic society, with social cohesiveness and a population that cares about the country and about the future.

There are no street junkies or poverty, let alone black people and immigrants.