America’s Climate Breaking Down in Total Swamp Ass Apocalypse, Government Says

Greta tried to warn us: everyone was going to end up with terminal swamp ass if we did not immediately take action to change the weather by drastically raising taxes and implementing communism.

But we wouldn’t listen. We wanted to live and eat food and have a place to live instead of being driven into the ground by extreme government overreach.

Now: swamp is the ass, for the ass is a swamp.

The Guardian:

The US is warming faster than the global average and its people are suffering “far-reaching and worsening” consequences from the climate crisis, with worse to come, according to an authoritative report issued by the US government.

So… it’s some kind of “regional warming” then.

What a miserable disaster.

An array of “increasingly harmful impacts” is hitting every corner of the vast country, from extreme heat and sea level rise in Florida to depleted fish stocks and increased food insecurity in Alaska, the new National Climate Assessment has found.

While planet-heating US emissions have fallen since peaking in 2007, the reductions are still not enough to meet international targets to avert disastrous climate change, and without deeper cuts in carbon pollution “severe climate risks to the United States will continue to grow”, the report states.

Even if greenhouse gas emissions fall substantially, the impacts of climate change will continue to intensify over the next decade,” the report finds, adding that choices made by the US and other countries will “determine the trajectory of climate change and associated impacts for many generations to come”.

The release of the fifth iteration of the Congressionally-mandated climate assessment, an exhaustive distillation of climate science compiled by more than 750 experts across the US federal government, follows a summer of vivid climate change-fueled events across the country that have included catastrophic, deadly fires in Hawaii, choking wildfire smoke along the US east coast and record-breaking heat in multiple states.

If you want to know how hot it is, just ask my ass. Unfortunately, you’ll need a pontoon boat to get there.

The report shows “more and more people are experiencing climate change right now, right outside their windows”, said Allison Crimmins, a climate scientist and director of the National Climate Assessment. Crimmins said that escalating dangers from wildfires, severe heat, flooding and other impacts mean that the US suffers a disaster costing at least $1bn in damages every three weeks now, on average, compared to once every four months in the 1980s.

We need to be moving much faster and we need to go much further,” she said. “We know that each degree, each tenth of a degree, of additional warming brings more severe climate impacts to the US and those impacts are felt more acutely by overburdened communities.”

The blacks.

It’s the blacks that suffer most.

For the blacks have the swampiest of asses.

O ye, hark ye, I say, hark unto ye, who hath refused Greta, and hath fallen into the swamp of ass!