“Coronavirus” Lockdowns Caused Permanent Brain Damage in Old People

Well, at least they didn’t die from the flu.


Elderly adults experienced a disastrous decline in cognitive functioning during the UK’s Covid-19 quarantine policies, a study published in the Lancet on Tuesday revealed. The accelerated worsening of working memory and other key intellectual metrics persisted even after lockdown ended. 

Analyzing data collected by the government’s PROTECT study of adults aged 50 and above before, during, and after the pandemic lockdowns, researchers affiliated with the University of Exeter, King’s College London, and Imperial College London found “significant worsening of executive function and working memory” across all groups studied.

Reduced exercise and increased alcohol use were associated with worsening of memory and executive functioning during lockdown even among individuals who had no previous history of cognitive impairment, while depression and loneliness were strongly linked to worsening of existing cognitive issues.

Declines in working memory persisted even after lockdowns ended and overall cognitive decline declined at twice the rate it had prior to lockdowns, as measured by performance on the cognitive tasks participants completed as part of the PROTECT study.

This marked decline in overall cognition was observed even in elderly individuals who had shown no signs of impairment prior to the lockdowns.

This is one of those things I warned you about.

Remember how I warned you that things would happen that you wouldn’t even imagine would happen?

There were zero benefits to the lockdowns, by the way. They admit that now. No benefits at all.
