Texas: 7-Year-Old and 12-Year-Old Black Kids Stab 59-Year-Old Woman

In the video from the tweet at the top, the youngest one can be seen at around 1:35, followed by the actual bikes, but then the final few seconds show a reenactment with lighter-skinned boys and different bikes.

So, I guess they’re still trying to claim “white people do it too”?

New York Post:

Two Texas boys were taken into custody on Saturday following the stabbing of a woman who was left hospitalized in critical condition, according to officials.

The stabbing happened at a residence on April Valley Court in northwest Harris County shortly after 2 p.m., the Harris County Sheriff’s Office said.

The boys, ages 7 and 12, allegedly returned to the home after a possible verbal confrontation with the woman, aged 59.

For the record, white people do not do this.
