UK: Black Woman Convicted of Helping Family Travel to Kenya to Do “Female Genital Mutilation” on Daughter

Amina Noor, victim of racism and cultural imperialism

I don’t know what’s more retarded – the fact that this is applauded by the same people who claim to believe in multiculturalism, or the fact that Britain already legally does far worse things to children with the tranny stuff with, again, the support of these exact same people.

The actual FGM operation itself doesn’t even have that many complications, and most of the ones that do happen are because the tools aren’t properly sterilized, which is what you’d expect from something mostly blacks and Arabs do.

Compared to the tranny stuff, it’s literally nothing.

The Guardian:

A woman has been found guilty of handing over a three-year-old British girl for female genital mutilation (FGM) during a trip to Kenya, in the first conviction of its kind.

After a trial at the Old Bailey, Amina Noor, 39, was convicted of assisting a Kenyan woman to carry out the procedure in 2006. The conviction, which carries a maximum sentence of 14 years, is the first for assisting in such harm under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003.

The only other successful prosecution under the act was in 2019 when a Ugandan woman from Walthamstow, east London, was jailed for 11 years for cutting a three-year-old girl.

From the previous conviction

Campaigners said the verdict showed that the introduction in 2015 of mandatory reporting of suspected FGM was working.

The senior crown prosecutor Patricia Strobino hailed Noor’s conviction, saying: “This kind of case will hopefully encourage potential victims and survivors of FGM to come forward, safe in the knowledge that they are supported, believed and also are able to speak their truth about what’s actually happened to them.

“It will also send a clear message to those prospective defendants or people that want to maintain this practice that it doesn’t matter whether they assist or practise or maintain this practice within the UK or overseas, they are likely to be prosecuted.”

Strobino added: “Part of the challenge of this type of offence is the fact that these types of offences occur in secrecy. Within specific communities within the UK, although these offences and practices are prevalent, it is often very difficult to get individuals to come forward to explain the circumstances of what’s happened to them because there was a fear that they may be excluded or pushed away or shunned, isolated from their community.”

Previously, the prosecutor Deanna Heer KC said Noor travelled to Kenya with the girl in 2006 and while there took her to a private house where the child was subjected to FGM.

The crime only came to light years later when the girl was 16 and confided in her English teacher at school.

When spoken to, the defendant said she thought the procedure was just an injection and that afterwards the girl was “happy and able to run around and play”. But when examined in 2019, it emerged that the girl’s clitoris had been removed.

Noor appeared “shocked and upset” and said that was not what she had thought was going to happen, Heer said. According to an initial account, Noor described going with another woman to a “clinic” where the girl was called into a room for a procedure.

Jurors were told the defendant was born in Somalia and moved to Kenya at the age of eight during the civil war in Somalia. She was 16 when she came to the UK and was later granted British citizenship.

The defendant described what had been done to the girl as “Sunnah”, meaning “tradition” or “way” in Arabic, and said it was a practice that had gone on for cultural reasons for many years.

There are all kinds of problems here.

How is she convicted of a British crime committed in a country where the act is legal? Is she convicted for traveling there?

How is that the law?

The other thing is: “female genital mutilation” is literally the same thing as male circumcision. They cut a pleasure center off the genitals, then claim it’s about hygiene.

Jews are obviously not being prosecuted for doing this to boys, are they?

It’s just more Islamophobia, coming from a government that supports the wholesale slaughter of Palestinian children.

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