Andrew Anglin

Good News? College Students Know Nothing About the Holocaust

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 18, 2013 A manic Jewess from Pennsylvania who is trying to make it illegal for public schools not to indoctrinate children about her race’s fantasy story, so as they don’t get sucked in by us evil deniers, recently went to a local college to harass students about this matter, and found that almost none of …

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More than 1,000 Swedish Girls – 300 of Them Under 15 – Reported Rape by Muslims in the First 7 Months of 2013

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 7, 2013 Unsurprisingly, almost all rape in Sweden is committed by Muslim immigrants.  In fact, if we removed these forms of “new rape” – statutory rape and “date rape,” it would probably be literally all rape; I don’t claim White men are perfect, and they might end up sleeping with a consenting 15-year-old and get …

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Black Woman Lauches Assault on Capital with Her Baby in Tow

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer October 4, 2013 Yesterday, a black woman, Miriam Carey, 34, crashed through secret service barriers in an apparent attempt to rush the White House. The video is intense. Presently, investigators are trying to determine why the woman launched the assault, but it is likely that the it shall always be a tragic mystery. CNN reports: The …

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