Massachusetts: High School Teacher Injured While Trying to Stop Brute Fight

Previously: High School Brutes Organizing Fight Clubs

What kind of retard tries to step in while black people are fighting each other?

This is like stepping in front of a high speed train and trying to stop it with your hands.

New York Post:

A staffer was hurt trying to break up a fight at a violence-plagued Massachusetts high school that has weathered such turmoil that officials asked for help from the National Guard.

The Brockton High School employee was hurt trying to intervene in a “physical altercation between students,” school officials told the Boston Globe.

That employee was a teacher, WHDH reported, and they suffered a concussion during the incident.

Another teacher filmed the chaotic scene in a video that showed two students raining punches on one another as somebody appears to leap between in an attempt to separate them.

Although official details of the injuries weren’t immediately available, the school confirmed that a staffer was treated by a nurse and returned home for the remainder of the day.

Just let them fight, retard.

They like fighting.

It’s their unique and vibrant diverse culture.