Andrew Anglin

Why are Muzzies Even Here to Begin with?

Incogman March 3, 2015 Now a lot of complete morons out there somehow think that just because I can’t stand the Jew and stinking little Israel, that I’m a big fat Muzzie lover. Let me set the record straight: I can’t stand these dirty Muslims in our lands one GD bit. Sure, I don’t have anything against them living in dune coon land, eating goat eyeballs …

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Washington: Mexican Ferguson Heats Up as Bridge Blocked

Daily Stormer February 23, 2015 Just as you believed in your own stupid goyim mind that you’d had all the social justice crusades you could handle, then all a sudden – BAM – the Mexicans version of Ferguson upside your silly goyim head! AP: Protesters demonstrating against a police shooting that left a man dead rallied in a Washington city, …

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Moslems in Europe: Crime and Genetics

Andrew Joyce Occidental Observer February 23, 2015 Another day, another Muslim-perpetrated shooting in Europe. And despite the gunman having the rather un-European name of Omar El-Hussein, the incident has provided yet more opportunities for redundant warnings against ‘European’ anti-Semitism. These killings, like those in Paris, disturb and irritate me for a number of reasons. Firstly, and most obviously, I am …

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LOL: Nicki Minaj’s Tour People Stabbed

Daily Stormer February 19, 2015 Black singer Nicki Minaj who is famous for her huge ass and also because she is a neo-Nazi for some reason, has announced that two members of her tour were stabbed in Philadelphia AP: Minaj wrote Wednesday on Twitter that the two had flown into Philadelphia for rehearsals two days ago. Philadelphia police say two …

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